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A bucket list, a resolution chart—I have neither when it comes to New year traditions. Usually, I prayerfully pick an attribute that I try to reflect in the months ahead. I find it a little more meaningful than goal-setting. However, this year, things did not pan out the way I intended.

I had an exhausting start to this year. One after the other, work kept on piling on. And it is only in the past two weeks that I could catch my breath. Discontentment about my present situation and worries about my future—I was restless and was trying to push through in my own strength.

Most people wake up each morning with desires, dreams and lists of things they would like to accomplish—places to visit, things to do and skills to learn. And the best part is that there is a lot of excitement and anticipation involved in it. I am not going to say it is bad but sometimes all these emotions show up so forcefully that sometimes we fail to ask if they are worth following; we fail to see what truly lays beneath them. Most times these emotions can and will distract us from hearing the Lord’s voice. And when we don’t heed the voice of God, we lose focus and alignment. It becomes very easy for us to start wandering in the spiritual wastelands of doubt and discontentment and striving.

However, the Holy Spirit being our constant help, brings conviction in the right time. And He reminded me of the scriptures— Job 33:4 “The Spirit of the Lord has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” and Psalm 23: 1 “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” A physical and spiritual breath of life.

Meditating on these scriptures brought conviction that in this walk of faith and running His race, contentment in determined by faith and belief in Christ. The secret to this contentment is in seeing the treasure before us—Jesus Christ and His kingdom. When gazes are refixed on Him, the mind is refocused and the heart is realigned with His truth—the truth that the Lord has made us, given us life and breath. A reminder to be content and rest in the knowledge that He is present and sees every spoken and unspoken need, no matter the size.

All we have to do is fix our eyes on Him and delight in Him, as Paul instructed the Philippians, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things,” (Philippians 4:8).

Paul also writes, “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need,” (Philippians 4:11-12).

Physically, my body craves rest, and mentally it craves relief from this present discomfort and worries. But I am choosing this week to refocus my mind and realign my heart to the truth that even in these circumstances, I shall not want. I am content in Him and will be sustained.

Maybe today some of you have been feeling like me, still in the thick of some of the same issues, the same healing, the same growth, the same prayers.

Maybe some of you are discontent and impatient like me, because things have not started out the way we wanted or planned.

Many of us do and will struggle to keep our expectations for the year, the week, the month, the day, for ourselves and others. The message the world screams at us constantly is that we must be self-reliant, put together and be this and be that.

And maybe some of you are often breathless (emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually) and scared like me, with only the energy to ask the Lord to breathe for us.

The reality though, is that nothing on this side of glory will ever measure up or satisfy us. But as children of God, the encouragement is that we do not have to be stuck to our frustration, hurt, boredom, discontent, unmet wants. We do not have to remain breathless, when Giver of Life walks with us.

Part of nurturing our relationship with Christ is setting our expectations to reflect His character and truths, in every situation. To refocus our hearts and mind to find satisfaction of all wants in Him, every moment of every day. Unceasing in prayer as 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

So, to all of us, I say, “The Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not want.”

Even in hope deferred, in discomfort, in our worries—we shall not want.

In struggles, in the unplanned, in the blessings—we shall not want.

In our fears, in future circumstances, good or bad—we shall not want.

In moments of low and moments of abounding, in hungers of life and need of the day—we shall not want.

Even in the valley of the shadow of death, or pain, or grief—we shall not want. His rod and staff comfort us.

We shall not fear, for He shall restore our souls. We are sustained, for goodness and mercy shall follow us.

The breath of the Lord Almighty gives us life, so we shall not want. We shall be content.


Your sister in Christ,

Penninah Abigail.

Consider this: 

When you are flustered by the worries of this world, remember to:

Pause: Hit a pause and reflect on what the truth is. Oftentimes, we forget God’s promises because we let ourselves be dragged by things of the world. 

Pray: Most difficult battles are won on our knees. Conversing with God constantly strengthens us and makes us unshakeable. The winds of doubts and worry may be strong but Jesus, our Rock, is stronger.

Ponder: Let us think of things that are just, honorable, lovely, pure and commendable. Let us fill our mind with things of God instead of brooding over things of the world. Rise above it!