About a year and ten months ago, we landed in Singapore with more questions than answers. But I can testify to the fact that when God summons us to do something, He is always faithful to provide everything we need. Time after time, God has proved Himself to be our ever-loving and ever-caring Father who hears the faintest groanings of our heart.
We recently completed another year of home-schooling Judah and Sairah, and my heart is filled with gratitude for God’s goodness and faithfulness. We have an amazing Christian home-schooling group, and for that I am ever so thankful.
Truth be told, having a close circle of Christian friends for Judah and Sairah was one of the top desires of my heart. This also meant that I would get to be around Christian home-schooling moms, and I really wanted that. God truly answered that prayer of mine, here in Singapore. This is proof that God sees you and hears your prayers, and answers it at the right time, and at the right place.
Over the last year, we started a new curriculum, called Classical Conversations, and it has been a year of tremendous growth not only for Judah and Sairah, but also for myself in terms of knowledge and understanding, because this entire curriculum revolves around knowing God and to make Him known.
Close to the end of every academic year, there is a competition called “Memory Masters.”
Both Joel and I knew that Judah is gifted when it comes to memory; he often remembers things that the rest of us don’t. So, we nudged him and asked if he wanted to take part in the Memory Masters’ contest. He said “Yes.” And his seven-year-old sister also joined him in his “Yes” by saying– “I want to be a part of it too.”
As her mother, I did gently point out that I didn’t think it was her natural talent, and that trying to memorize 24 weeks’ worth of material across many subjects could be too much for her. Math, geography, history, and timelines, English and Latin–there were far too many topics. But she was persistent and we decided to let her participate. Even though I was encouraging her because she wanted to do it, I was quite sure that she wouldn’t make it past the first round. However, she was very confident that she could do it, and she was determined to give it her best shot. Surprisingly, not only did she advance to the next round after the first, but she also won memory masters alongside her brother.
They had to make absolutely no errors in any of the tests, and both of them passed with flying colours. If there is one thing that my seven-year-old and my nine-year-old have taught me this year–it is the importance of being consistent and sticking with a task until it is completed, all in the spirit of excellence.
Colossians 3: 23 says, “Whatever we do, work heartily as for the Lord, not for men.”
This is what my kids taught me this year. Your path may not be the same as mine. Whether you are a home-schooling mother or a working mother, or a father reading this during a difficult season of your life, remember to do what you are called to do, even when the going gets tough.
Doing what you are called to do does not mean a life devoid of difficulties. I can say that this home-schooling year hasn’t been all sunshine and roses; there have been bad days, too.
There were days of sickness, tough topics and confusion but God gave us the ability to focus on Him so that we could truly enjoy this home-schooling adventure with Him and the community He gave us. And looking back, I can see how far we have come.
Jesus approached everything He did with such zeal; He did all things with delight, even while going to the cross, He knew the joy that awaited Him–the joy of our salvation. And, while we are going through difficult circumstances, let us, like Jesus, look forward to what is ahead of us, to dream large with our children. Even during difficult seasons, I am constantly with my children. I am with them in their sorrow and in their delight. But I see so much more, and I see the vision that I had for my children, four years ago, becomes reality now. And now, it brings me immense delight when I think of the vision I have for them four years from now as I go through the season of doing what God has called me to do. So, whatever position God has called you to in this season, may I simply encourage you to give it your all for the glory of God. Like Jesus, let us model the spirit of excellence.
“He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world,”–we often forget that. Sairah showed me to not be reliant on what people think we are. My words, although polite and filled with genuine concern, could have downed her spirit but she rose above it. And, I had to apologise to my daughter–“I am so sorry, Mommy didn’t believe in you, Sairah. But I appreciate what you accomplished. Thank you for striving, thank you for persevering on and patiently working hard to reach that end goal!”
Sometimes words can be echoed in our hearts and minds through people, through outside sources, through our own self-doubt, that we are not capable of doing what God has called us to do for the season. But I want to remind you that we are, and may we do it with excellence. May we model that for our children, our families, and perhaps our circles of influence, that we are people of God, and people of God do everything in the spirit of excellence.
Sometimes words can be echoed in our hearts and minds through people, through outside sources, through our own self-doubt, that we are not capable of doing what God has called us to do for the season. But I want to remind you that we are, and may we do it with excellence.
Consider this
This week let us be aware of our season and what God wants us to do. It may be to stay at home and take care of your children and husband, to be a good wife or husband or just to help the people around you, even the ones who hurt you. Do what you are called to DO, and let God do what He want to do through you. Let God:
D- Direct your course. When you walk on the path that God has designated for you, you demonstrate your dependence on Him and allow Him to lead you where He desires. This path may not be the most beautiful or the broadest, but the greatest part is that God holds your hand as you travel along it.
O- Optimize your abilities and skills. The obstacles you face may be difficult, and sometimes people may question your ability to overcome them. When you give it to God, however, He bestows divine grace that maximizes your potential and improves your abilities. Not through your own strength, but through His Spirit, the spirit of excellence.
“Give it all to the glory of the LORD”. Thank you for this.