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Christianity is a path of roses—the one with petals and thorns. Stories of petals often told and the thorns, in asterisks.

Scribbles and Confessions

The best of stories are often found in our secret prayer closet. The testimonies of when God said ‘yes’, the times when He said ‘no’ and, not to forget, the seasons of ‘wait’—every detail, a chapter of the book called ‘journey’. From having breakdowns and losing our way to searching for directions and pushing forward, here are real time narratives of what it means to be on a journey with Jesus.

 P.S: We are still on this journey.

Messy Manger—Mighty Hope!

Messy Manger—Mighty Hope!

In the humble, messy manger—a feeding trough for animals—Jesus was born. It was far from a scene of grandeur, yet it held the greatest gift humanity has ever received. The Savior of the world entered into our mess to bring us salvation and hope. Philippians 2:7 tells us that Jesus “made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”

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