Is it just me, or did you also feel that 2024 just swooshed by in the blink of an eye?
Come to think of it, doesn’t it seem as though the velocity of time has been accelerating every year, like the end of a toilet roll that spins more swiftly as it nears the end?
And so here we are again, another year closer to the end; whether it’s the end of the world or the end of our lives, we are still closer to its end, and that fact will either fill us with trepidation or gratification- depending on the state of our heart.
The Bible informs us that “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?”
(Jer 17:9)
But it also tells us that He has promised us a new heart and a new spirit. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” (Eze 36:26)
God doesn’t leave us helpless or ill-equipped, instead He provides all that we need through His Spirit and His Word. If there is a bottleneck in our life, it will always be from our side.
As we take a moment to pause and look back on 2024, there will definitely be a list of regrets, as well as a list of things to rejoice over, and hopefully the latter list will be longer.
Wisdom demands that we learn from our past follies and tie up any loose ends which could trip us up in the days ahead. It is only common sense that we begin the new year unhindered by our failures, and with re-ignited hope and confidence in the unchanging goodness of God.
Jesus said, “Each day has enough trouble of its own”, so we should definitely not be weighing down our coming days with the expired leftovers of the past.
Proverbs reminds us to “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (4:23)
So, in order to determine the course of 2025, perhaps we should give heed to three aspects of our hearts that might need a little extra vigilance and care. Needless to say, this is not an exhaustive list.
A Healed Heart
Leaving aside the care of our physical heart, it is crucial that our soul and spirit are in top shape to see us through the coming days as well.
The book of Revelation promises rewards only to the Overcomers- which means that as the End approaches there will be more wars (within and without) that will need to be won. Battle-worn and weary hearts, if not quickly repaired, will severely impede us from walking in true victory.
Jesus can and will heal all broken hearts presented to Him, but remember, if we continue to harbor unforgiveness and resentment in our hearts, we will effectively be cutting off all avenues of help, including God’s.
So, let’s be very intentional in releasing genuine forgiveness, (and receiving the same), from anyone we might have offended this year. Remember that God Himself will not forgive us, or acknowledge our offerings at the altar if we know that someone has an offence against us and we have not sorted that out first. (Matt 5:23,24)
A Holy Heart
Only someone living under a rock this past year will be unaware that God has begun cleansing and judging His house in an almost brutal way. (1Pet 4:17)
Long hidden sins of anointed and charismatic pastors and prophets are being exposed at an alarming rate bringing much shame and scandal to the church.
God is on the warpath ruthlessly rooting out hypocrisy, religiosity and the perversion of holiness- so be aware that your secret sins do not find you out too. God is no respecter of persons.
“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16
A Hungry Heart
And lastly, please be hungry for God. Please do not go through the motions of church and come away unimpacted or untouched by the fire of His Word and Spirit.
Please yearn for His touch, His kiss, His embrace. Please don’t be lukewarm in your affections for Jesus. Please ask the Holy Spirit to fill and refill you constantly.
You will not flourish and thrive in the days ahead if you do not hunger and thirst for God’s sustaining presence in your life.
Disclaimer: There’s no need to behave like an embarrassing super spiritual flake either, because that doesn’t bring glory to God or attract people to Jesus either.
A truly intimate relationship with the Father is displayed by a steady, supernaturally fruitful and shalom-filled life- not by the continuous stream of hollow and clichèd Christian verbiage, which is ultimately all show and no substance.
And so my prayer for myself, as well as for you, is that as we judge our own hearts and present them to Jesus for healing, holiness and more hunger for Him, from out of it’s wellsprings will flow the sweetest living water-not just for ourselves and our loved ones, but for the healing of the nations as well. Amen.
All my blessings for a wonderful 2025.