Have you ever felt like you were at the mercy of your emotions? Like they were swirling around you, dictating your every move and decision? I’ve been there, feeling drained, lost, and overwhelmed by the constant tug-of-war between what I feel and what I know to be true.
But here’s the thing I’ve come to realize: our feelings don’t define us. They’re like waves on the surface of the ocean—ever-changing. What truly shapes who we are is our faith—in God, His Word, and His power.
Take a journey with me through Luke 19: 10. It’s a reminder that the Son of Man came not to condemn, but to seek and save that which was lost. Our identity, once intimately intertwined with God, became fractured by sin’s entry into the world. But God, in His infinite mercy, sent His Son to restore what was lost, to bridge the gap between us and our true identity in Him.
Think about Adam, the first man, whose very lineage traces back to God Himself. But sin crept in, causing a shift in our identity, and introducing shame and separation. Yet, in the story of redemption, God sent His Son to reclaim what was rightfully His.
Now, let’s get real. How often do we let our past, our feelings, and the pain inflicted upon us dictate our lives? If we’re honest, it happens more often than we’d like to admit. But here’s the truth: the Christian life is one of dying to self. It’s about letting go of our fleshly desires, fears, failures, and faults—both our own and those imposed upon us by others.
Galatians 2:20 speaks directly to this, reminding us that we have been crucified with Christ. It’s no longer about us, but about Christ living in and through us.
Now we are going to end with an illustration!
Imagine holding an orange in your hand, feeling its weight, its texture, its potential. Now, as you gently squeeze it, envision the juice flowing out. Ah, there it is—the sweetness, the refreshing taste that delights the senses. That’s what we expect, isn’t it? After all, it’s an orange, and oranges are known for their juicy goodness.
But what if, instead of sweetness, bitterness and anger came pouring out? What if, despite its outward appearance, the orange was filled with something entirely unexpected? It’s a startling thought, isn’t it? Yet, in life, we often encounter situations that squeeze us, pressuring us to react. And sometimes, what spills out isn’t what we or others anticipate.
As believers, we’re called to be like that orange. When life applies pressure, when trials come crashing in, what spills out of us should reflect the presence of Christ dwelling within us. Just as an orange yields its juice, we are to yield the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.
It’s a beautiful analogy, isn’t it? Picture yourself as that orange, filled not with bitterness or anger, but with the abundant life of Christ. As you face the challenges of each day, let His love overflow from you, bringing joy in the midst of sorrow, peace in the midst of chaos, and patience in the midst of trials.
And remember, just as an orange must be squeezed to release its juice, sometimes it’s through the pressures of life that the true essence of our faith shines brightest. So, let’s embrace each squeeze, knowing that in Christ, we have an endless reservoir of His grace and strength to draw upon.
So, let’s make a choice today. Let’s choose faith over feelings. Let’s embrace our true identity in Christ, allowing His Spirit to dwell richly within us. As we do, we’ll bear fruit that not only nourishes our own souls but also draws others to the life-giving truth of Jesus Christ.
Consider this Here are three takeaways from this week’s blog; let’s keep it short and simple, shall we? Choose Faith Over Feelings: Anchor ourselves in faith amidst challenges. Die to Self Daily: Surrender fears and faults, letting Christ lead. Reflect Christ Daily: Strive to embody Christ’s character in our actions and attitudes. |