In our crazy busy world where everything is about “quick and easy”, it’s a breeze to choose convenience over sticking to our promises.
But you know what?
The Bible reminds us how vital it is to honour covenants—those sacred deals that need dedication, sacrifice, and staying true. Convenience might whisper sweet shortcuts or urge us to put our comfort first, but that’s not the path of faithfulness the Bible lays out. In a world hooked on instant fixes, it’s crucial not to forget the profound importance of covenants.
This week I’m going to split this article into some bite-sized sections for you!
The Covenant Between God and His People
The Bible is full of instances where God makes agreements with His people. One important example is the covenant with the Israelites, marked by the giving of the Ten Commandments. This covenant asked for obedience, loyalty, and worship of the only true God. Even when the Israelites faced difficulties and temptations, they were reminded to put their relationship with God first, ahead of their own comfort.
In the Bible, God kept His covenants in various ways. Here are a few examples:
–Noah’s Covenant: After the great flood, God made a covenant with Noah and all living creatures, promising to never again destroy the earth with a flood. He sealed this covenant with a sign, the rainbow, as a reminder of His faithfulness.
“I confirm my covenant with you: Never again will all living beings be destroyed by a flood; never again will there be a flood that devastates the earth”
-Genesis 9:11, The Message
–Abrahamic Covenant: God promised Abraham that he would become the father of many nations, and through him, all families on earth would be blessed. This covenant came true when God gave Abraham a son, Isaac, and eventually, the nation of Israel was formed, fulfilling God’s promise.
In The Message translation, Genesis 12:2-3 reads:
“I’ll make you a great nation and bless you. I’ll make you famous; you’ll be a blessing. I’ll bless those who bless you; those who curse you I’ll curse. All the families of the Earth will be blessed through you.”
–Mosaic Covenant: God entered into a special agreement with the Israelites through Moses. In this covenant, God gave them the Ten Commandments and the Law to follow. God faithfully upheld His end of the bargain by guiding and protecting the Israelites on their journey, meeting their needs, and settling them in the Promised Land.
“So now, if you will listen obediently to what I say and keep my covenant, you’ll be my special treasure. You’ll be a kingdom of priests for me, a holy nation.”
-Exodus 19:5-6, The Message
–New Covenant: In Jesus Christ, God made a new promise to us. Let’s call it Jesus’ Covenant of Redemption. This covenant is like a super-strong commitment. Jesus showed us this commitment through His life, death, and coming back to life. It’s a promise for everyone.
This covenant is amazing! It means we can be forgiven for our mistakes, have eternal life, and be friends with God on a personal level. God makes sure this promise sticks by sending His Holy Spirit to live inside those who believe. The Holy Spirit helps and changes them to be more like Jesus. Surely, this covenant is soaked in love, mercy and so much grace, that the Father generously showers on us.
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me”
-1 Corinthians 11:25
The Covenant of Marriage
Marriage, as emphasized in the Bible, is a strong covenant outlined in the book of Genesis. According to God’s plan, marriage is meant to be a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman. This sacred covenant involves sacrificial love, faithfulness, and mutual support. It requires couples to prioritize their commitment to each other over personal desires or temporary pleasures.
Living a crucified life, as described in the Bible, means that your old self is gone, and each day you strive to become more like Jesus. This involves a dedication to rejoicing in all circumstances, a commitment to not procrastinate, and a pledge to spend time with the Lord daily.
Additionally, there is a covenant to take care of the bodies, minds, souls, and spirits that God has given us. This dedication involves sacrifice, faithfulness, and the understanding that we are responsible for nurturing all aspects of ourselves as part of our commitment to God.
The Bible teaches us that real joy and blessings come when we honour our promises and stay faithful to the commitments we’ve made.
Opting for covenants instead of convenience might be tough, but it leads to a fulfilling journey. We can build stronger relationships, grow personally, and draw closer to God. Always keep in mind that genuine fulfilment and blessings come from keeping our commitments and living according to the promises we’ve made.
Our God is faithful to His covenants, and as His children, we should also be people who keep our promises. Since our old selves have passed away, His Spirit now resides in us.
In Zechariah 4:6, we learn that it’s not through our own strength or power but by His Spirit that we find true guidance. The Bible emphasizes that genuine fulfilment and blessings come when we honour our commitments and remain steadfast in the covenants we make.
Psalm 15:4 encourages us to honour those who fear the Lord, keep our promises even when it’s difficult, and stand firm in our commitments.
This is my prayer, May we, as children of a covenant-keeping God, find strength in His Spirit to honour our commitments, walk faithfully in our covenants, and bring glory to His name through our steadfastness and obedience.
Consider this: Here are three key things to help us stay true to our commitment as Christians—no quick fixes! Study God’s Word and Pray Regularly: Set aside time each day to connect with God through reading the Bible, prayer, and meditation. This daily practice will keep you focused on your commitment and strengthen your relationship with Him. Seek Community Support: Surround yourself with like-minded friends and mentors who share your faith and commitment to keeping covenants. Having a supportive community will guide you on your journey. Self-Reflection: Take time to think about your actions and thoughts. Check if they align with the promises you’ve made to God. This self-reflection helps you identify areas for improvement, making it easier to stay true to your commitments. |