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Trusting my Master Goldsmith

Trusting my Master Goldsmith

“Pappa!”—Sairah cried in the middle of the night. She had a nightmare. It was not the first time; she has been waking up in the middle of the night or early mornings in the past few months. No matter how deep asleep or tired Joel is, he would wake up, run to the kids’...
Freedom like no other

Freedom like no other

Seven years ago, my family went through a crisis—our business partner stole everything from us. We were in shock. We were betrayed and what we felt was just beyond comprehension—hurt, pain and shame. At the time, we were living in a big house that we could no longer...
Passion’s Fruit

Passion’s Fruit

During school term breaks, we dedicate some time to do some family activity. Last break, we watched a mountain biking series on Netflix; we always prefer something motivating or educating. The series was about a bunch of kids who grew up together and became...
Forgiveness—not mine, His

Forgiveness—not mine, His

2021 is a year I will not forget. While it taught me a lot of life lessons, it was a hard year when it came to relationships. I saw the grey areas and the ugly parts of relationships in a whole new level. Though I knew in the back of my head that the Lord is using all...
Trusting the Shepherd

Trusting the Shepherd

A bucket list, a resolution chart—I have neither when it comes to New year traditions. Usually, I prayerfully pick an attribute that I try to reflect in the months ahead. I find it a little more meaningful than goal-setting. However, this year, things did not pan out...