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Seeing Beyond the Seen

In our fast-paced world, Christians are urged to use spiritual vision to perceive God’s work, especially during hardship. Via stories of Hagar and Elisha, the power of faith over sight is highlighted, showing God’s faithfulness and protection. We’re reminded to seek God’s guidance through prayer, expectancy, and fasting for transformative spiritual insight.

Living a Life of Significance Over Success

Success is temporary; significance is eternal. We are called to live beyond ourselves, leaving a legacy that outlives us.

Feeling Orphaned: A Journey of Faith and Favor

You are not unseen. You are not forgotten. And you are most definitely not orphaned. God is with you, and He’s working all things together for your good.

Choosing Honesty: A Reflection for 2025

Choosing honesty, even when it costs us, is a tangible way to reflect God’s character to the world. It strengthens our relationship with Him and inspires those around us to pursue a life of integrity.

In the blink of an eye

Is it just me, or did you also feel that 2024 just swooshed by in the blink of an eye? Come to think of it, doesn’t it seem as though the velocity...

Messy Manger—Mighty Hope!

In the humble, messy manger—a feeding trough for animals—Jesus was born. It was far from a scene of grandeur, yet it held the greatest gift humanity has ever received. The Savior of the world entered into our mess to bring us salvation and hope. Philippians 2:7 tells us that Jesus “made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”

A Baby born, the Son given

This dazzling display of celebratory glory saturated the skies and ignited the Star of Bethlehem which began to glow in the East, alerting the wise men who had been studying the stars and waiting for this particular sign a long while.

The Fire That Strengthens: Lessons from Ashurbanipal’s Library

Just as the fire hardened the clay tablets, making them resilient, our trials can fortify our faith and character. It’s a divine paradox: what seems meant to harm us is often the very thing God uses to refine and strengthen us.

The God Who Sees Me

God knew Hagar by name. It didn’t matter that she didn’t know Him or care about Him. He knew her- and He had devised a wonderful plan to bless her and her progeny.


The focal point in God’s temple should be God Himself, most times visually aided by some form of symbolic or prophetic art. But what is the focal point in today’s church? It’s Us! There we loom on larger- than- life screens, with every knee drop and contorted facial expression captured in living color.

Forgiveness Fuels Flourishing

Forgiveness is about releasing bitterness and entrusting justice to God. “Vengeance is mine; I will repay,” says the Lord (Romans 12:19). Holding onto bitterness only imprisons us, while surrendering it brings freedom.

The God Who Sees Me

The God Who Sees Me

The fascinating interplay between Sarai and Hagar in Genesis 16, with God’s timely intervention in the midst of female foibles, has been engaging my...

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Sometimes I allow myself to fantasize. I fantasize that the glory of God, Kavod Adonai, would descend like a thick cloud in our worship services and...

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