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Seeing Beyond the Seen

In our fast-paced world, Christians are urged to use spiritual vision to perceive God’s work, especially during hardship. Via stories of Hagar and Elisha, the power of faith over sight is highlighted, showing God’s faithfulness and protection. We’re reminded to seek God’s guidance through prayer, expectancy, and fasting for transformative spiritual insight.

The Potent Power of Prayer

When we pray, angels move, darkness retreats, and hearts are changed. No one is stronger than their prayer life. So, let’s make prayer a lifestyle, not a last resort!

Faith amid the Storm: Trusting God Through Life’s Uncertainties

It’s time to change the way you pray. Instead of pleading with fear and doubt, start praying with faith. Declare the promises of God over your situation. The enemy wants to steal your faith, but don’t let him. Stand firm in the knowledge that our God is faithful. He has delivered you before, and He will do it again. 

From Dream to Reality

Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

God Says You’re Enough!

Jesus’ death and resurrection made it possible for God’s grace to cover our inability to be good enough. This is the amazing grace we can hold on to!

Ela Koinonia Turns Three

Ela Koinonia is turning 3 this weekend! We can hardly believe it’s been three years since we got on this amazing journey. As we look back, our hearts are full of awe and gratitude for everything God has done. This anniversary is the perfect time to celebrate our wins, recognize where we can grow, and thank God for being our strong rock through it all. His faithfulness has been our guide every step of the way.

Adversity Despite Obedience

As we journey in obedience, let us find strength in the testimonies of these faithful servants. Trials are an inevitable part of our walk with God, but His grace and faithfulness sustain us. In times of adversity, let us lean on God’s promises, trusting that He works all things for our good (Romans 8:28).

Happy Father’s Day to God–the Ultimate Father

God’s love is like a cozy blanket, woven with the ultimate sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Jesus’ sacrifice shows us a love that heals the world’s brokenness, bringing redemption and hope to everyone. It’s the ultimate example of what true fatherhood looks like.

Shopping List Prayer: Expanding Our Conversations with God

You’ve probably heard the term “shopping list prayers”—it’s when someone’s prayer is mostly a list of personal requests, like asking for help with school, work, or feeling better. 

Growing Faith Together: How to Shine Jesus’ Light for Our Children

As parents, we play a crucial role in shaping and guiding our children’s beliefs, values, and faith. Children closely observe and absorb their parents’ actions, attitudes, and dedication, learning how to face life’s challenges through the prism of their parents’ faith.

Triumphant Through Trials: Walking with God in the Fire

In the book of Daniel, Chapter 3, we are introduced to these three extraordinary men who stood firm in their devotion to God, even when threatened with the flames of a blazing furnace. Can you imagine the courage it took to defy the king’s command and refuse to bow down to a golden image?