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Example over perception


There is a reason why the Bible has so many characters—it is for us to learn from example. The life stories of the men and women in the Bible are not only encouraging but also contains details of God’s character that are revelatory. #BeLike is not about advocating the idea of being exactly like someone in the Biblical era but understanding and dissecting the lives and stories of these characters to learn more about God.

Be like Noah

Be like Noah

Besides being famous for building an ark that preserved himself, his family and representatives of every land animal from the great flood, Noah is known for his obedience. He had an unwavering faith in God–so much that he did not question God when he was asked to...

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Being Abel

Being Abel

Abel and Cain were brought up by the same parents; they grew up in the same family. However, their stories are diametrically different. Genesis 4:1-5 Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the LORD.” Then she...

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Be like a wise builder

Be like a wise builder

We have been learning about being a ‘doer of the Word’ in the past couple of weeks. This month’s ‘Be like’ is in line with the same topic.  By now, you must be familiar with Matthew 7: 21-23 Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven,...

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