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Hi friend,

Thank you for stopping by!

I am Sandy Samuel Jerome—daughter, wife and mom (Note: I love all these titles!). My husband Joel Jerome and I have been married for 12 years now and we are blessed with two of our greatest gifts from God—Judah and Sairah. 

We are a home-schooling family which makes our lives even more exciting. From doing colourful crafts and learning music to baking some super sweet Oreo cakes, no two days are the same for my family. I thoroughly enjoy being a mom and I challenge this calling everyday by trying to be more like the One Who called me.

It was my father, Pastor VM Samuel, who sowed the seed of Koinonia in me. It was his vision and I am a worker in the field that he relentlessly tilled and ploughed before he went to be with the Lord. He always told me—“Only put Jesus on a pedestal, not a preacher or a spiritual leader, as men of the world may let you down but Jesus is, was and will be the only flawless human to walk on the earth.”

My father believed that fellowship could bring transformation and growth; I am a firm believer of that too. We believe in the wonders of togetherness; how it can mend broken hearts, stimulate change and bring freedom. Our focus is not only on the fruit but also the process of growth—watering, fertilising, pruning and nurturing. I am very excited about this journey with you and I firmly believe that God has a purpose for your life. So, be ready for His adventures.  

Cheering you on!

In His service,

Sandy Samuel Jerome

Never forget - You are fully known and deeply loved by your Maker.

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