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Judah and Sairah love the advent season and they love singing together. So, this month we have brought together the two things that they love, advent and singing—a mini carol.

With its simply worded expression of love for the Lord Jesus and trust in His faithful care, the hymn ‘Away in a manger’ appeals to young and old alike. It is a song that is taught during the early childhood ears as it sounds even more soothing when it comes from a child’s mouth. Sairah took it a notch up by cradling a baby doll as she went about singing.

The second song they chose is a classic and one of my favourites, ‘Silent night’. It is a song about a calm and bright silent night, and the wonder of a tender and mild new born child, words written in 1816 by a young priest in Austria, Joseph Mohr.

Join them this season in singing songs of hope, love and joy.