This is a cry of many young Christians today. The world is so far advanced that today’s youth are extremely tech savvy and fully equipped with all digital assets. Unfortunately, with this kind of access there is also so much temptation to follow worldly patterns and do those things that is not pleasing to God, but widely acceptable to the world. The biggest challenge for today’s young people is to discern what is right and wrong due to the secular world (including many churches) accepting the worldly standards and culture. They are confused on whether they are meant to please people or God. Follow the invisible or follow the touchable. If you don’t follow popular culture and do what your friends do, you are singled out and it can be a lonely journey or it could even go to the extent of you being subtly bullied for what you stand for.
This is where it is really important to first of all understand why you are a Christian. If you are a Christian just because you were born into a Christian family then you will struggle to stand firm on your faith. If you are a Christian because you know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him then you have to remind yourself of that and always praythat God will keep giving you the strength and courage to be an example among your friends. He is always there to help you and the Holy Spirit lives in you to comfort you.
Also, there should be a deep conviction in your hearts that this life is temporary and that pleasing God is the most important thing that accounts for your life in eternity. This is not an easy conviction and there are days when you will feel down and just want to break free and have fun like all your friends do. The good thing is God knows how you feel and is always compassionate. Jesus talks so much about Hell and Heaven in the gospels and the reason for that is — itis so important that we realise and focus on where we will be going after this life on earth. We only have 2 choices and what we do here on earth will determine where we will go for eternity.
The happiness, fun or the thrill the world offers is only temporary. At the end, it fails to deliver what it promises. Most of the habits such as smoking, drinking, pornography, ungodly relationships etc will seem like it giving you much
enjoyment in the beginning, but you will soon discover that all of these will lead you into downward spiral of addictions and leave you absolutely dissatisfied and disappointed. Unfortunately, most of young people will not realise until they have experienced it for themselves or if they pay close attention to those that have been there, and done that.
In contrast to what the world offers, fullness of joy and the lasting fun that comes with following Jesus is deep rooted, giving peace, joy and this will truly satisfy your every need.
As said in Jeramiah 2:13 – 13 “For my people have done two evil things:
They have abandoned me—
the fountain of living water.
And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns
that can hold no water at all! – NLT version
Community is essential! It is always good to be part of a Bible-based church who have activities that cater to young people . There you can make good, strong friendships with like minded people and have mentors who can support and pray with and for you. Stay strong, keep praying and believing that the God of the universe, who also created you with great intentionality and called you by NAME will keep giving you the courage, strength and everything else you need to stand against the tide of popular culture. He will also bless you with Godly friendships, people who are like minded and can walk with you in this crucial phase of your life. God is your provider and He will never fail you. There will be tough times and seasons, but keep reminding yourself why you are a Christian and stay grounded on that single source of truth.